If you love RTCW join Facebook fan page.


I recently noticed that there were a few other Return to Castle Wolfenstein fan pages on Facebook but, it appears that they were not in the proper category and even then the largest group only had 170 fans. I know there are many more fans of RTCW than 170 here on Facebook.

The Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory page which is in proper "Game" category has over 8,200 members and even though it is based on Return to Castle Wolfenstein we purists only have one most favorite game of all time. As far as that goes, since ET was so similar to RTCW that still makes it superior to Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and it's hard to believe but, QW is more popular than the new Wolfenstein game which was released in August of 2009 and the new Wolfenstein fan page has over 8,000 members as well.

So I encourage everyone who ever loved getting a headshot in RTCW to become a fan of this page and please ad a comment with your thoughts on this great game.

oh dear god
what the fuck is wrong with you...
is this a joke =D
a) nobody gives a shit about what you're a fan of. fuck off.
b) nobody gives a shit about rtcw. fuck off.
c) fuck off.
dont troll with rtcw :x
Strange to have so many negative comments about a RTCW fan page in a RTCW forum here on Crossfire. Must be a Euro thing. Nah, all the Euro friends I have joined right up.. So I don't know what your excuses are but, I just looked at the member list again and a lot of Euro's just joined the fan page. So kudos to those true fans of the greatest game ever and long live RTCW.
its crossfire dude
little detail

its not about being EURO players its about being ET players
I think thats mostly because people are already too frigthened about spending so much time on this game they dont want others to know what they are really doing in their free time. I'm sure they've got plenty of friends who they did not talk to long time, who use computer only for work and chat, who at last don't understand how much fun people can get for playing simple game. Of course there are also people who think they are much cooler than 90% of the scene and think about themselves as a "not nerd", "not geek" and "not lame" as the rest (these 90%) but they are spending exactly the same amount of time playing it.
I'm not going to join up because right now I think it is a little weird and don't really need that so you can put me in any of these bags you want. But thanks for bringing my attention that there is such a thing on facebook because I had no idea about this :)
will start doing this now.. thanks for helping me! Kelly
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