:o guidspoofed

lOl i got guidspoofed by a cheater he played on czesky & slovensky server :/ and now i have a red icon @ yawn lol how can i get it away
hahaha:P not funny imo -.-'
Actually it is
nicest excuse ever!
just funny you changed your pbguid @ same that some1 spoofed you, aight
hacker dai plz
you got busted and now you want to tell us "zomh some1 sp00fed meh!!1"
lal thats what i mean and bastie is my bro ask santj or paco they know me irl
yep bastie is his brother called "eduard" so bg addict :<
do u only want comments on that 1 u cant never know who that is maby a nicklamer or smth
Guidspoofed isnt aimbot
MBI ET AIMBOT #50051 Netherlands (The Hague) 2006/10/23 PBBans
But np.
like pjoter told me when we busted him with wallhack
"hey someone spoofed my guid and pb guid and played with cheats"
too bad the day he got busted , he was in ts with psiquh and fear, playing in our server under name juhan


ET scene being sad ATM ...
cant wait for quakewars, at least it will have a PAY cd key and who cheats is banned (then they can spoof their asses)
yeah yo say it is an other cheater with guidspoofer. but confest this with your and his ip then i wil believe you.
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