pallot searching

since soossi apparently decided to play mostly with slorbos glidesports team we want to make sure we won't be shorthanded on wintercup, therefore we are searching for a stable preferably Finland player, other countries will also maybe do if u are skilleeeed

what we expect from u:
medic smg, damage whore
somewhat skilled, brains
avi tue 19cet ->, thu 19cet ->, sun 20cet ->

what u get:
we got a vent and a server
a surprise that we are not 100% retards afterall, i guess
a stable team
wintercup pocal
fun maybe
to play this game
"we have atleast 1 cheater"

Finland BLUMAN
Finland Kerkko
Finland lEku
Finland botti

Finland HenQ
Estonia putsi kuradi
? Finland SOOSSI /q BLUMAN or Bottiiiii if im on

Take me!
gl bluman & leku :)
you should add that u have atleast 1 cheater
yeah but we dont play with henq that much now that his mouse is broken
the ban is like 1 year old
there was no ban
there was atleast a post so I guess there was also a ban, but don't wanna post a link now since I like blugirl.
you can guess what you want but i know the situation. blu hasnt served any bans from nowhere more than i have (expect now from cf because he made fun of dead niggers)
:) idc
gl anyway ( take the brainboY syntex )
okay, first of all you are making yourself look like a real fool.How old are u? 37? And talking like a 12 year old kiddo. You have now looked at Bluman's crossfire profile haven't you? Yes hes banned, but maybe you should stop talking about things you don't know of. As i stated in my reply which you did reply

Quote by botti blu hasnt served any bans from nowhere more than i have (expect now from cf because he made fun of dead niggers)

seriously, what the fuck is your problem?

btw, yep i havent got A PUSSY. i've got pussy probably more than you have, and yes im serious. that though has nothing to do with me playing video games so why are you bringing it out?
miksei zelotti itte kirjota enää crosfireen? xDDD
read my reply above. READ IT
u should say that u had only 1 clear player, the others are banned or otherwise knowed they are low cheaters like you.
coz of ur multiple account u should be banned too, i wondering why u r allowed to post anykind post
it has been 2 long years since i even touched a cheat, 2 long years of u coming to this website only to mock and act fucking ridiculous towards me, pointing to the HORRIBLE CRIMES i have done.

nothing is more priceless than a fucking working dad playing internet police and dissing the bad cheater guys
im sure ur bots are wasted ur moms money more than i wasted my time in this game
my *bot. + those two things do not really correlate

and nice editing your premature comment !! :)
mee nyt vittu imee äitis klitorist vitun paska(paska on ilman lihasta ja luuta)
needs some FinlandIslice
wintercup pocal ::DD gl bluman and botti
not going to lan, thats a suprise from soossi
sun mutsis rahat on kyl varmaan mennyt sun hackeihin valmiiks?
mut hei aina sä voit mennä kesätöihin tai jotain ammu ittes esim. tiggaro ja bluman voi seurata sua xD kiiitos
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