ET problems..

Hi.. I've got some problems with et.. Allways when I start to connect, it writes after awaiting gamestate some kind of error with this file... cgame_mp_x86.dll
I've tried all possible things.. et reinstal, disc format, pb updates, new cgame_mp_x86.dll file download .. nothing helped me :( I have windows XP proffesional 2002 with SP3.. Does somebody know how to solve this problem ? Thanks..
play another game np
play another game np
play another game np
also, if you would google on the exact errormessage, you will find your answer.
Ya I found a lot of things.. No solutions
Format C
right click on your desktop and choose :
1.New -> Create Shortcut
2.type in : Shutdown -s -t 0
3.Name it : ET and hit complete
4.Put it in your Startup folder
5.Reboot your PC
Cau,dela ti to i kdyz nechás zakladni config? Mel sem kdysy stejny problem a delal to config...
jj config nemam ziadny.. nic..
download a new etpro 3.2.5 or 3.2.6 :)
I rebootedd a reinstaled windows.. So I downloaded all new files.. there isn't problem 4sure
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