camtrace with image.exe

Always when i make a camera in camtrace and exect in ET everything fine but when i start recording its slowing down and cant get the right timescale..
How to calculate it?
erm open the CFG files (when you made them in camtrace) and you see the timescale n stuff there u can add it.. OR you have to put the right time in Camtrace (the time the cam has to be played) or just do a lower or higher /timescale
FPS (90) x img_blur_samples (64) = 5760 FPS @ Camtrace
He said image.exe, not image-et.exe

To answer the question, old image records internally at 1000 fps so you need to set 1000fps at camtrace
jeh i mean image-et.exe ! my bad
Then read blitz answer, he is right. capure fps * blur samples
Where can i set 1000 fps at camtrace?
I don't have camtrace installed atm, but you have a place to set your fps.. just type 1000!

will take a screen later if you can't find.. Lunch time now, brb
Can't find a solution. The cam is always faster as the frag.
I am not a cam pro, i barely know how to do cams, but as far as i know if you set the right fps and timescale 1 it will play real time. You can control cams by "created points"... more points = slower cam if i remember correctly
In latest version of Camtrace you need to set time manualy for each one point what I like :).
I got similar problem but it was only with preview, which was faster, but recording going well.
you mean img_capturefps with "FPS (90)" ?
there is no "support" for such software from the camtrace side, and most probably never will!

tho, you should check "fix fps" and set the recording fps value in camtrace to the calculated image fps.

not sure what the "fix fps" option is called, but you can always open the first cam file and add as the first line: com_maxfps <calculated fps>
I'm not 100% sure about the latest camtrace releases, but it worked perfectly fine back then by typying the "internal fps's" ( = 1000 for old image, or capturefps * blur samples for new image)
that is kinda my point :) if those workarounds are good, nice, but camtrace wont do the maths for you, youll have to do that yourself :)
Yes, and there is no point in camtrace doing this... windows calculator can do the job !
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