
Hey, ladies and gentlemen,
as k3rv3r0s told me, abovePLATPUS, playing on my server this evening, is a already busted cheater. I have to agree with him having a bust but do not agree on banning him instantly as there is no proof of him actually cheating these days.
I thus made a video to let you see yourself and maybe help me at telling whether some strange things going on or not.
Thanks for reading, here is the link:

With regards, Night/Candyflip
avi or gtfo
no gtfo u london
no gtfo u london
no gtfo u london
no gtfo u london
no gtfo u london
platypus is actually a nice guy :DDDDD

rs mate ftw
member for 0 days

nuff said
abovePLATYPUS haha jesse :D
why nuff said with me being member for 0 days?
actually, i play ET since a rather long time and not yet registered at cf cuz i didnt care.
if there is any problem about it, i dont care as well. you may understand this if there is any other method of discussing for you but to look up the other's membership and then go and annoy him.
with regards, night/candyflip.
ps: i did not want to know whether he is utah but to know if he does still cheat and may be recognizeable by this demo. thanks for the links though.
btw i occasionally play on that publix too and the platypus guy suks : (
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