more hax

Still haven't got my activation email for the gamestv forums so I'll post this here before I forget.

Someone been faking Atilla for a while..

image: 6f95f500-atilla


google translation of ETL
rofl gg
thats wArmup, not wArning
is not him... check yawn... guid faker... allready posted @portuguese forum community
afaik it isn't possible to fake someone's pbguid without having access to their etkey. Perhaps someone could check the IPs (both Portuguese) to clear this up.

(@topher) !uidsearch 59836378f434f9be684961293e5f1f7d
(@bot) UIDSearch v1.05 - Searching for UID: [ 59836378f434f9be684961293e5f1f7d ]...
(@bot) Found 2 IP's that match [ 59836378f434f9be684961293e5f1f7d ].
(@bot) [] []
(@bot) Done.
the other guy is portuguese, and already admitted in ETL(portuguese et scene) that he was faking Atilla's guid
Check guids, it's not him.
not me, check yawn, bb thnks <3 you all.
but topher nice try, i enjoy that comedy crossfire comment and all that links, next time try too be more clever and check yawn first :*
Edited accordingly - I did check yawn, if someone is using your etkey you should really get a new one. Delete the file etkey, then /pb_cdkeyreg in console.
its not pbguid spoof need for changing etkey m8 ;) thkx anyway :*
like we care guys !!
Why does everyone haxx these days? :S
you gotta be kidding me right?
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