cless dude!

hello crossfire dudes,

my game nick is rezta
my real name is ronald

iam looking for a stable 5on5 clan perfer dutch speaking
iam 24 years old
around med+skill
played in many clans like [hyperion-gaming] [heartbreakers] [pluspunt] [system6] and many more

you can contact me @ #hyperion-gaming or #crossfire on quakenet or send me a pm @ crossfire/xfire

greetz rezta
Hi Ronald
U the one with the red hairs at Mc Donalds? Cuzz he's also called Ronald. How haphazardly :-D
gl, nice player! Hyperion come back would be nostawesome! :D
Hi Ronald, nice to meet you.
gl rezta!!
ronald mc donald
goodluck rezta, btw it's 5on5 instead of 6on6 nowdays :p
ya 6o6 is about to die DIE MOTHERFUCKER DIE OGOMOGMOOGMOM1!!111
ja had van een andre recruitement post overgnomen dat vergeten te veranderen :)
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