forum pusher :<

so my mouse ( jarkko ) died and i haz to buy a new one.

what i want is something light weight ( so no mx etc. )
400-(800 not must) dpi
aij want to haz wire and it doesent rly need to be uber pro gaming mouse ,if it just fits to description

EDIT : prefer optical

suggestions ?
518mx/razer da
pick your poison
m518 i haz atm ( jarkko / the broken one ) i dont like the shape and its too heavy. and shops full of shit version of da. like i said doesent need to be uber leet infralight mouse where you need to use googles to make sure the high voltage beam doesent blind you...
well imo you should go for the IME 3.0
p.s. order through inet its just better..
seems nice by first look. how about the weight dpi hz ?
its the lightest weight n1 mouse i couldve think of..
i use it too and i am convinced that u will hve fun with it...only 400 dpi nothing else....u can change hz up to 1000....but more not needed...hf
Fostrum pusher :p
a4-tech cheap good mouse if break down u have 2 year's of guaranty :)
I had 2 time's a4-tech and alway's break down after 1 year but it's good becouse always changed for new and better model (for free) :D
I had A4Tech X7 with some odd 3x fire button and a CPI changer (CPI changer was quite terrible because I only needed 2 CPIs, fast and slow, and it had like 6 different options so you had to cycle through them all every time you changed CPI).

Now I have Steelseries Ikari laser, it's kinda awesome and the glide is easy and I don't have anything bad to say about it (there's a bit positive acceleration though, but it's unnoticeable unless you use some testing method for it), but I'd suggest you get the Steelseries Xai instead, as it uses similiar pads (huge teflon) so I figure the glide is at least as good, and I figure they improved the sensor and engine and shit on it too. And it's fucking STEELSERIES, man. And it doesn't have flashing lights, only a low-profile white light to indicate CPI.

E: I dunno why I added this as a reply :D..
deathadder /o>
a4 tech is a good choice as l4z said. I 'd prefer x7 series. Both cheap and qualified. However, i would suggest you Microsoft's "Razer - Habu". It's a bit over the budget but worths it. gl
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