death mouse?


I have a problem with my mouse. Maybe someone knows what the problem can be....

Somethimes the mouse goes out (for 5 seconds) and ingame the Hertz goes automatic from 1000 to 500 hrtz. Impossible to play ET with it ... I play with 1.0 ingame sense and 900 DPI.... with 500 hrtz you cant move :/ with these settings

image: 15p0aog

My 1st G5 had the same problem. I bough a new one and everything was ok.
Now5 months later thisone has the same problem.

Someone knows what it can be.... ?

Is the mouse death?
Are all my usb slots broken?
or is it software?

I have a G5 logitec

*edit with screenshot
QuoteDPI goes from 1000 to 500 hrtz

o.0 ?
he is speaking in code duh
dpi goes from 1000 to 500 hrtz wait wat?
its the hrtz,sry not the DPI
yes, your mouse is death.
it's death, very death
had t zelfde probleem, wss een breuk in je kabel
he leef je nog :O
upload mhz changer pls.
send a mail to logitech that your mouse is broken, explain situation etc, and they will send you a free new mAus.
Belgium mAus?! think of the postage costs
your mouse is DEATH
drivers suck
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