Jere @ cic7

im looking for a team to compete with at cic7.

i dont care about the skill of the team (top-8 prefered) and I just wanna be able to have a laugh.

you can contact me here or at #et.belgium


thx tyyrd for the layout :D
Gl :o)
De community staat echt achter u hé :D
succes jong :)
We have to drink a beer at LAN so better find a team!
make a team with savage errol tyyrd and sum other highskillorz(not saying tyyrd is high tho)
is it still possible to sign a team up then ? :O
come with VIP owait.....
GL, very nice rifle & person ?
gl schat
gl Jere !
gl as fusii said sAvage, tyyrd errol are looking also
gl Jere :)
gl jere, rock it!
gl jere :)
gl jere! My rifleman, u deserve a nice team. Make yyt regret of their decision pwn them dude! ;)
gl jeroen !
heb je clown al gepmed dan? vraag gewoon of die je een kans wille geven dan aangezien de omstandigheden, xylos was toch al van plan smg te gaan toch?
i feel a payback time incoming :)
good luck babey :< YYT cheeky cunts! <3
join rockit and own yyt in final m8
certainly cant be hard to find a team for you
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