and again another try for me...

As turned way to inactive for me , im unfortunately searching for a new team

About me:
-17 , having a strange laugh but still mature enough
-Fieldops ( not that kind of dmg-monster , mostly supporter (compare with urtier ) / Medic / 2nd Eng if needed
-playing since 2004/5 cant remember fluently
-talking german , english , french , insults on dutch
-skill: cant define...i had a long inactivity break and want to get back to the game. Fortunately i finally created my personal config what means that im currently trying to improve my aim...
ex teams in profile , if you need more infos pm at crossfire or at mIRC (if i am online , im not having a bouncer currently! you may find me at #meNtal or #crossfire with nick "pHAZOR_")
-active (especially during weekend LOL NOLIFE )

In this case i want to mention that i hope some average better team would offer me a spot just to get better and improve a lot...most of you know me as the low aiming and flaming currently working on those both issues and im trying my best to keep it on...
I would really appreciate if some "better" team would give me at least a try to play with them...

I expect:

server / vent or sth else...
stable lineup and tactics
lots of scrims
stable traintimes.

thx in advance ! :)
flamer :o))

thx cheat0r :( ;D!
gl phaz0r:D!
(compare with urtier) >:0!?
spec him at a random ettv match and you will see.
i suppose he's playing fieldops defensively.

We wont see him go out to the enemy spawn and attempt a spawnstrike.
I dont know why but the first thing that popped into my mind was making a joke about "won't see him go out of the spawn".
wish him gl : (
viel glück!
Good luck phazor! <3 :)
good luck, nice and skilled guy <3
gl skilled guy!
skunk : gl!

und gl von mir :DDD
goodluck <3
good luck mate <3
nice and skilled guy always up for a laugh :)
gl ....
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