SOOSSI demo? obvious?

Played with 2 other mates against SOOSSI and some other guy w/e.

We asked for the demo and got it ofc.

And tbh, I think you should try watch it with r_shownormals 1 :D
If that isn't obvious wallhack, then ET is taken to a new level !

if anyone would make some avi. files of it, that would be awesome. but since i got new HDD i didn't download vegas and all the settings and stuff so I can't really do it.

anyways hf watching, if that isn't wh im quitting ET
just ban him with this demo as evidence. who cares if its obvious or not, hes cheating
ure so right mate <3 !!!
fuck those delay download crap
nu skal den fucking bøsserøv også bannes
whieneee :D
hahahahahaah :DDDd
/quit et hes clean!
they holded 2v3 7min so i can think what are u feeling atm :((
ime mutkaa, väität et mä koodaan ja pelaat noitte kaa. :DDDDDDD
This thread fails due to freakshare download, he is obviously cheating, no need for demo.
Just accept there are better players out there.
says a busted cheator like you :_D
Busted from using some nexus. Damn!
still busted like soossi :D

btw you can edit your answer,its not needed to reply me twice ^^
It's not like I use cheats on a regular basis to be good or anything. I've see the light and gotten clean.

And new reply was faster than editing.
There's a difference....
And please note my sarcasm.
him and his bumboy webe are both as retarded as each other, aren't even bothered about trying to hide it, and then call you low for moaning about it.. typical kids
ahah expected! sossi's cheat is known.
some1 make some website where u can stream dm_84 files !
shit aim is shit aim! clean
QuoteIf that isn't obvious wallhack, then ET is taken to a new level !

who said anything about aim?
SOOSI himself.
erm, make sense for me please
mate, you saw that action where he turned around and killed bd(awesome player) with 3 headshots?
not, but i saw the first round and he was like a noob. And he confirmed it after he got killed by someone who was body shoot kiling him like 10 seconds by saying "shit aim is shit aim :D" he proly meant himself.
ingame they said they're playing with keqe aka hevimies
well keqe even played 2 offis today
cba to watch the demo, clean anyway
but.......WHERE IS JUUDIS???
He disappered when soossi got unbanned!
strange that he only appeared the 6months when soossi was banned :p
ye :P remember that
lul didnt remember that
maybe he will make comeback tomorrow;PPPPPP
who needs demo to know hes cheating
i heard they pwned re+play in 3on3 and soossi wasnt obvious at all
Topicmakers team just got owned in 3on3 by me and SOOSSI (yes, we won them 2v3, dno if we cheated... cant rly remember!!) and now they whine 8)
vitun pellet seriously gtfo.
to lazy to watch
Why not make some .avi out of it? Won't really download and watch it all the way through even though getting owned 2vs3 sounds pretty hilarious.
soossi moj huj sukin sin :XD
oujeee dlideshitsport&pallot owner my fucking idol!!! wooo matafakas! vittu sää oot soossi niin kolee jätkä!!! <3 vittu oot paras pelaaja!! kivaa ku susta hehkutetaan koko aja :) tuu meillekki pelaa pls!
well I know sosi for long i wont bother watching since i lazy and i honestly dont give a shit xd so i guess i trust him haha.
oh *naive*
Owned by the name just been informed thats other sosi and not the polak one.
anyway SOOSI you deserve to DIE
.avi or nobody cares
.avi or nobody cares
"if that isn't wh im quitting ET" LOL U MAD?
waiting for killerboy
he and his hacking mates already fucked up the ESL league, protested 3 times but admins
are too lazy to take some measures
admin did check the times u gave and said rofl what a waste of time rofl rolled lowbi
what a coincidence - God sad the same thing when he created you "rofl what a waste of time rofl "
stop lying. You will be banned soon.
me? what i did now :D and btw was telling the truth mister checked those and said that :)
hes been obvious for frickin ages

+ playin with webe :DDD
hes playing with me means ?
I expect Juudis' comeback soon!
ye i heard that he got his pc working again but as soossi is playing we dont need another brainmedic
voi vittu
hehe, me too played vs this shit, too want demos and get it, too see obvious wh.

if you want these demos pm.
wp sosii nice game.
avi or gtfo
All I saw is some finnish trolls without skill being unhit.
Really smiled when I specced webe ineye. He truly sucks.
everyone knows he is cheating anyway
and noone do for that something:/ sad
indeed, but it's ET in these dark days
Just played him, must be a bad wallhacker if he really is one ;P
try playing him away from ettv x)
ettv makes him low :< oh wait replay got rolled
kraken is high
soossi aka hene aka (ex) nc customer
Keep an eye on the cheaters forum! :)
I did, and your name popped out!
If I'm not banned yet, doesn't that mean they(Killerboy, CB) don't have real proofs? :D
they have, but 2old.

your really retarded and shit admin, i saw that in ESL 3on3, miss the good admins 8<
Why am I retarded exactly? For banning obvious cheaters?
I said a long time ago that they were cheating, but they got lucky with the other admins who wanted to see real proofs(like gv bans, pbbans etc). But after they saw the demos between KURAT and RE+PLAY, after seeing only one map, we made our minds and decided to act. ;)
decided to act? did u even check the thing i posted on the protest. Every "obvious" moment you gave was explained with sound ot traces one or two was info so banning by one thing that didnt contain sound but info would be just ridiculous. And i bet that timetable u gave was made by some other (maybe admin or some 3rd person) guy than any of the replay members since there was so retarded things such as taking spawn by limbo :DDD obvious and lots of "obvious" moments where u heard sound before :D
Well, as far as i remember

1) You were the one forced pallot to play sometime ago when we did not have players.
2) About soossis demo, cant be proven on this demo its soossi, no guids + nopb and if i remember correctly, cheating on a non-pb server is not bannable? =)
3) This timetable you gave to soossi about his obvious actions, did your 10-year-old brother do it? Jesus what shit, just like bluman said above.. "taking spawn by limbo"

2) About soossis demo, cant be proven on this demo its soossi, no guids + nopb and if i remember correctly, cheating on a non-pb server is not bannable? =)

thx for sharing the fact with us that he actually cheats.
i would say that 80% of matches nowadays are being played w/o pb so that makes us all cheaters? :D
cheating on a non-pb server is not bannable? =)
Bless you!
avi plz
don't even need to watch the demo to know that someone from pallot is cheating...
none trust you, you even accused me of cheating :z
and then you got busted few weeks later, ye.
few weeks? get facts moron
could have been days, you're right
you even accused me & always accusing fostrum.
i got something better to do tonight.

image: 53341928
old, nothin new.
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