MOTiF searching

-avi for next lan
- prefer know you.

He will be unbanned @ 4februari!!

You can contact him @

IRC 3on3.ET

Crossfire: NasAll
Cheater :D:D::::D:::D
Good luck motif!
he wanted to quit???!!!
gl skillz0r :)
broodje bakpao
gtfo nerd
so hes not allowed for lan :<
It's hard to cheat in football, so back to ET m8 :))
gtfo nerd
or some random ugly fat guy like you.
supporting cheaters again?
cheaters suporting cheaters.
It's hard to cheat in football, so back to ET faggot
Wasn't he 2 bussy with his football career? oh wait...
get lost already
he screamed in vent when i got doublekill
i didnt revive him tough and got backraped by 3rd :DD

gl MOTiF
MotiF pwner !
you are rly bad..u get owned everytime when i play vs u
pwner gl <3
gl MOTiF:)
motif noob egoquiter
He will be unbanned @ 4februari!!

You can contact me @

made my fkin' day
Motif search a new cheat gl :D :D :D :D :D
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