retsev on the look

Since Europe Devotion and myself, agreed to let me take a backup spot instead of the lineup, because that monday and wednesday I'm not avi to prac because of my soccer prac - I would like to see if I can get another team with other prac times

About me

* Around med skilled (Better? no..:D)
* 17 years old (Getting 18 in less then a month so gtfo !)
* Speaking Denmark (?!) United Kingdom and some Germany
* Giving good comms+teamwork
* I'm avi to play all engi smg classes (No rifle, and fops only maybe..Have to get back in shape then :P)
* Can be serious and funny, depending on the situations :)
* I'm avi to prac on Tuesday, Thursday, and sunday 19.00-23.00 (Well sometimes ofc. friday and saturday when I'm not going out, but well I wouldn't count on that)
* Not been busted or retarded stuff like that
* Etc. exclans in profile (View view view plz hits hits hits!!)
* Just ask if more anymore informations is needed

About you

* A stable project, or even a newproject (But prefer not to join smt that will end up with a 2week clan)
* Got stable prac times
* Got somekind of comms and server
* Be active in upcoming events (Wintercup and stuff, well not CIC7 since I'm not avi)

Thanks for the flame

Shoutout Netherlandsgrizz and Netherlands noxious - 2 of the biggest retardz in ET <3

image: Ahmadinejad-Goat-Fuck
Lets make a team!
held og lykke :-)
i am not a retard!!!
good luck, nice german skills :)
jutro sie rozpadniecie
GL <3333333333333
gl my Friend :)

nice & skilled :)
it is my nature :( don't blame me
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