Loo King

Hi i'm Loo King, i'm looking for a team which is looking for player.

-nice skill
-active (again :O) )


Zwlaszcza polskie teamy : XD
msg MarB @ #marb
I'm Polish
I'm proud

I'm Polish
I'm proud

I'm Polish
I'm proud

I'm Polish
I'm proud

I'm Polish
I'm proud

I'm Polish
I'm proud

I'm Polish
I'm proud

I'm Polish
I'm proud

I'm Polish
I'm proud

Proud to be polish..

No gl
Doesnt make sense, i bet you just say this because someone else once said it on this site, so you are trying to be 'cool', but ur failing incredible hard fucking chuj
I'm Polish
I'm proud

Proud to be polish..

No gl
I'm Polish
I'm proud

Proud to be polish..

No gl
No... Close but noo...

Its more the fact that well.. Polish people suck.
Hahaha, a retard with such a big ego, makes you completely sad tbh. You are some random wannabe trying to act like other idiots on this site.
but he is right man
lol, what does any of my comments have to do with my ego?! If i have an opinion about a specific country that gives me a big ego ?

Im not random, im a human.

And well define wannabe? I wannabe a wat?
You don't have an opinion about them, the only thing u judge them off, is cause they lagg on a online game, i bet in rl u are even to scared to tell it to some polak, retard.
You know so little do ya...

How about those shitty mongols take over NL with there low prices? most small company's in NL go broke because of those fuckers who will work for 2euro's/h. and sent their money back to poland causing en economical problem in NL.

Since when is judging not the same as an opinion?

I could tell a polak in reallife, but he wouldnt understand me cause they refuse to learn dutch.
Than tell it in english, u fucking retarded idiot. You never learned english at school?
Actually i have, And tbh im pretty good at it. Buttt problem is polaks dont :D. have you seen how the polaks @ cf talk ? Trust me, they all talk like that
So what? You feel cool now? Must be a good achievement for you speaking english @ a game site
Yeahhh cause crossfire is the only place i'm able to speak english at.. Why do you keep saying im trying to be cool rly ><
Because you arn"t, so stop acting to be it, failed faggot.
Lol wtf, im not trying to be cool nor saying i am cool.
define nice skill please !
can handle med+, especially 3on3.
gl, im avi too =(
busted and ex cheater if I remember well :p ^^
not rly if i was mad , i would've used capslock as stated in my post, i'm not sure if it's this guy.. ;)
Im playing with him since 2006, we are cleanest polax in the universe (shut up woman get on my horse!)
hmm polaks and clean in ONE sentence! xD nah really gl to both of you :-)
ye, pretty mad
ye, rly good
gramy cos?
You mistook me with somebody.
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