Still searching :'(

Hello ,

i am Sh0otje (from Belgium) and i am still looking for a clan, at the moment i am backup by influx (stollz) but i want a main / active clan...
what do i aspect from my clan :
- Good teamplay
- Med- / med skilled
- not to much whine
- ACTIVE ( much practise , officials , playing 1day-cups / cups )

what can i give to you :
- med- / med skill
- very active
- no whiner
- good comms
- can play every class except engi rifle / soldier
- able to speak english / dutch

you want more information or something ?
you can find me in #2pro4you or #stollz or just pm here.
thanks, plsss no whine :s ...
You should have answered the pm last week =)
kzal ma zwijgen zeker ^^
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