splendid-gaming cod2

hi, i am FireFly leader/manager from splendid-gaming,
we are a multigaming on search for a skilled cod2 squad.

-got homepage: http://splendid.ftp24.net (new design + domein are coming this week i hope^^)
-got ventrilo 3.0
-got servers
-got 7 squads

-talking english atleast :)
-ranked(playing cb/esl or something else)

i have to say, that we are a new multigaming and that we are growing step by step.
and we will always try our best to get the stuff :) so you also need patience with us, because we will do our best!

you can contact me here or #splendid-gaming @ Q-net
GL, try some cod2 forums aswell
w0nd3r snip0 bomi whiskey me

interested ?
send me a pm with cb / esl page
funny :PppPpP
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