Blast from the Past #5 - Dignitas.ET eXposed Movie

For this weeks Blast from the Past feature I have gone for another movie and again it is another classic made by Liquide. The movie from August 2004 is titled Dignitas.ET eXposed was made to celebrate our legendary Enemy Territory team and this was their farewell to the community that supported them so well.
Nice aim at 5:04 and 5:24
you wrote dowmload @ dignitas site :p
actually i didnt open it, i just took my mouse on it and it said TROJAN smth =D

what was it actually?
it was a link to my profile, with scary shit in it:D
WOW this brings back memories. That cfg makes me feel weird, dunno what it is, its good though.
was only 11 when they raped the scene, ah i wish i could play against them back then
Quality of the frags in the first few minutes is pretty laughable. 2-man frags ftw!
do you still have my 4/5 man frag with panzer on braun_b4 from some years ago? i fucking love you then.

Oh i allready do, damn.
dunno, need more info!
I want playing et :)
that was a great movie back in the days, but still i preferred the eSrael movie. it was just better fragwise.

bring back the XP system pls :DD
QuoteIf anyone has a link to download the movie please let us know as we lost it when our FTP crashed.

Anyone has it?
old times!
Great movie! Back with XP and a slightly different style of play.
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