Ping lag, need help

Recently i bought a new pc with windows 7 ultimate 64bit.

first thing wich i did was update all the drivers.

after that i installed ET and tried to play. While having a solid fps i cant seem to get rid of horrid ping spikes, my ventrillo & other stuff works perfect. While being on the same position as before of the wireless network.

Firewall has ET as an exception, pb has been updated. So i couldnt seem to find out what the problem might be.

Some suggestions pls???

image: hayden-panettiere
stop dling p0rn
fap fap fap
change net ???????? :D (radio) ?
use skype not ventrilo
pb_Sleep 500, pb_security 0, disable firewall for all, use google.... gl
nice girl
If I recall Vista had that silly wlan update every 20 seconds or so that lagged you in place for 3 seconds. I'm not sure if that's in Windows 7.
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