kak4shi back at ET

Yo folks , im still looking for an ACTIVE team,

Skill doesnt really matter as long as your active and stable
play lots of funwars / offis or w/e

I just wanna get back into the Game...

My qualities:
Fieldops / Medic / 2nd Eng
Ingame leading / tactics
5 years et experience
ambitioned , mature
fluent english , active , not shy
Skill: decent (just test me)

You: server , vent or ts , fun but also ambition , activity , stable pracc times

contact via crossfire or mIRC at #crossfire or #meNtal /q pHAZOR

good luck <3
gl spatzl
i guess u like naruto, i love naruto aswell so i wish u good luck :*
gL feuerwehrmann
image: kakashi-hatake-3

gl phazor :P
expected zeh real kakash1 :<
gl wakikashi
thought the same
gl but

Member For: 5 months and 29 days

how long did u play before u quit? :-D
new account , didnt discover crossfire at my first 2 or 3 years of ET :)
he is also a great talent for a shoutcaster
great imitation of tosspot's voice
GL ! :)
gl kakahi
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