I need Movie making help


can someone explain me how can i remove this horizontal stripes from movie ?

This is simple avi at cl_avidemo 120 and x264 codec.

I'm using sony vegas and vidm.

Please be fast with answering me !!
I know it only for vdub.
You need to disable fields when rendering the clip. Fields are required doing clips for televisions, and even the newer tellys support progressive scans.

Somewhere in the rendering settings (Project properties in Vegas?) there's an option called "Field order", which should be set to "None (progressive scan)". Now you probably have it set to "Lower field first" or "Upper field first".
is there any use for the fields in video editing?

from what i can tell, it only messes it up.
Not really, if the intended playback device is a PC screen or similar device, that refreshes the whole picture instead of drawing half of the image at a time, like older televisions.

Fields come into play, when you're making something that should be displayed in television. Normal televisions draw the image in two sweeps: odd fields first, then the even ones. The screen is refreshed 50 times (or 100, if you have a 100 Hz television) per second, and the final image is composed from the two separate sets of fields, which equals 25 full frames per second.
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