yeah, looking for some 5o5 clan, Germany prefered

about me:

- reliable
- med/+
- class doesn't really matter
- 18 years and from Germany

about you:

- be somewhere around my skill though the more important point is that its fun and I enjoy playing with you
- pracc 2/3 times a week and play some offis

pm me with an offer here
Timoooo Schatzyyy :DDD

gl :) take him skilled Player :)

Lets do a team together like we once did at inTrepid :'< nah but gl :P
( still it was an awesome time ! :'< )
gl timbo
gL ;)

btw.. hattest du nicht nen lanteam?
myR hat abgesagt .. schon länger her!
seit wann heißt TimeN Stray?
gl timo :)
gl (:|D)
gl westbratze
viel glück
gl m8 :P
hurensohn. glück!
oh hai
Gl :)<3
Timon <3
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