fps fucks xD

hello my dear friends,
i just have a new computer (very good :) ) but the only problme is that i have low fps @ alder and goldrush ( 20-30 ) and on the other maps i don't have much fps like 60 or something there i dont have lagg but i will have more if it's possible... how does it come ? and how can i upgrade my fps ?

another problem today that i can't go on my msn messenger ... the problem is that that 2guys are turning around for a minute and then there comes that msn doens't have internet and they give a numer ... but my internet works well :s so i dont know how to fix it ? pleasse help me ! thanks

get new driversje
get a new pc
give me youre config so I can take a look at it..
tell you dad he didnt buy you a good pc and get him to buy you a new one
dont whine pleasse :(
seta r_swapInterval "0"
installed chipset drivers? videodriver? :d

for the msn thingeh, try Extra - Options - Connection and start the "Fix connection problems" or something
i did and everything is normal but it won't start :(
i had a silimiar problaem with msn, i got it to work when i changed the time, to a year back or something xD dont remember..
doens't work :(
Welke videokaart heb je?
mss met hacks lukt het wel :)
Kun je proberen alvo heb je die voor mij;)
128 mb videokaart, meer als me vroegere dus :)
1 gb ram
160 gb harddisk
128 mb graphiccard
but i have an old 17 inch fat screen could it be that?
i have

1 gb ram
370 gb
256 mb card

and i have 40 fps @ gr so dont whine :)
lol who cares about harddrive xD

processor pls lol

1. processor
2. ram
3. gfx
if you have firefox uninstal it should help
Delete all your warez
delete porn ?? :p
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