cfg/graphichs problems

Hello ,i have a problem with graphics, when i shoot someone that dust it appears green like in this foto
but thats happend only if i do \vid_restart, whitout vid restart it appears like this
anyone knows how to fix it?
thx for help !
Turn ur hax on and u will see axis as red ;)
Plz, he is highskillonly! :))
guy on b4 needs to poop
r_colorbits 0
r_texturebits 0
r_depthbits "24"
r_stencilbits "0"
unsupported r_displayrefresh maybe

or r_colorbits or r_texturebits
Smells of 16bit colours or something like that.
this is a problem that appears when your r_displayrefresh is set to a higher value than your screen can handle
btw it could be possible that u ve got a higher value in your profile.cfg than ur screen can handle and when u do vid_restart, it loads the value you have in your autoexec
those are hulks and they are getting mad because u are shooting at them. if i were u i would run as far as possible.
as burneddi said : Smels of 16bit colours or something like that. I agree whit him.
Try to put normal colour bits.
fuking imposiblle i tried everything still the same shit , i changed r_displayrefresh to 60 from 85, i have 16 bit colours, r_colorbits 0 , r_texturebits 0 still the same shit :-s
finally i fix it, i think the problem was i didnt have 60 r_displayrefresh on both cfg, thx for help :)
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