
hmm, what is this program? I heard a lot of people are being globalbanned by PB from it.
renja ya big gay, search for it on et-center, there was a disscusion there about it, anyway as far as i know it boosts preformance, so it will like not use the programs it does not need in windows, or somthing.
have my babies? :D
from it's site it looks like it merely performs all the optimizations you can manually do to windows XP to make it run a bit smoother by not using unnecessary parts of the operating system. really can't see why you'd get banned for it
it can disables pb active files making it less secure.
im using it and still havent been banned

nice progs turning off stupid windows sounds [;
Someone hook me up with a valid and clean link for this shit, it's just what I need. I searched for it myself but only found a version which contained a virus -.-
every version contains a virus, it's put there by the vendor to try and prevent peeps cracking thier software, if you pay for the software you'll have no worries with it. saying that GameXP does fook all to enhance anything so why anyone would bother installing beats me :)
used it, not much happend :<. hope i dont get banned
Now I used it aswell. I hope it takes some effect.
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