Search German 5on5/6on6 Team

General requirements for the clan: find a well-coordinated and active 5on5/6on6 team.

Clanart (FUN / Normal / High / PRO ...): Fun Fair or not care.
League Activity: sure
Training frequency: Daily except Sunday from about 19:30 on Saturday and Clock moment!

Personal Details:

Age: 22
Skill: med -
Experience: as long as there are ET
Previous clans: axiom, moukers, taskforceX, eF, SAK, CE (Team System Crash), cbw, rfc
Existing communication programs: available all!
Possible cost sharing: Depends what I offer is € 5 ^ ^ But were already there.
Internet connection: DSL 16000
Website (how often online): Almost every day.
Other: Search no serious offers "noname" clans which dissolve after 2 weeks again. Know my way around things tactics well and dominate all classes.
Danke :) Mal gucken ob sich was anständiges finden lässt :P
fang lieber wieder an zu shoutcasten! wenn ich mich recht erinnere warst du das doch...

gl fjeden!
nö? o_O
zu unknown
sorry mike... und du bist?
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