#cs3r Black

Siema Siema,

cs3r is not back in business but thanks to Germanyhuch we were able to have our own cs3r team.
We are the former fRATERNITY team but thanks to our "ex manager" kLiRz (and his PB ban, once again) we could better quit them.
Thanks to FranceTaichi (who's still here to help/manage us) we could look around for a new team and we all agreed on cs3r.

Enough about the cool story. After United KingdomAziMiZ got real life issues (called work) he's not able to compete with us active or even in OC. So does NetherlandsmAxiii & ItalyMYSTiFY, they have alot of schoolwork to do. FinlandSalaneuvos decided to go to a "friends team" so we ran out of players actually.

So, we're recruiting players for Europecs3r - Black
lineup :
spidah, upload, kartez, kOEKJE.
what can we offer :
a vent 2.1 / Ts3 server
a gameserver
funny guys
what are we aiming for :
we will participate in next OC
we play active on 5on5 SW CB ladder
what days we prac :
since we discovered to be pretty nolife I'd say :
from :
20:00 CET (or earlier if possible) untill 22:00 CET

what are we looking for :
A skilled EuropeFdops
A skilled EuropeMedic/Second engi

If interested PM me here or #cs3r-et @ quakenet. (spam kartez/upload/spidah)

Thanks :-) /flame_ON
haiskilled eng smg/fop avi :))))))))))))))))))))))
koekje is echt een pannekoek;D
Spidah is propably the best cheaterbuster ever, 8==D
yeh indeed 8==D
GL spidaaa
thx mate :) long time no see, expected u @ LAN :p
gl koekje m8 :D
gl koekje, rest can fuck off!
gl nice guys
gl kartez
Good luck koekje! LANPROOF
ja only koekje rest is cunts
Ironic is kunt toe
shit team
U need Buzzer! :D
Good luck guys, kartez bouffe une mitraillette! C'est trop bon
gl sexy <3
sorry to tell you that, but u must have talked to a fake huch....

i never agreed to give cs3rs name to anybody:

there is no relaunch and there is no cs3r team at the moment.

cs3r channelns in irc are: #cs3r and #cs3r.et - no other channel containing cs3r is a real channel.

if cs3r would be relaunched leo and me would be there!

cs3r does not support only with its name! when there is a team, there will be a page and a relaunch!

please respect that and just leave it be!
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