Need team for sHg Open07

Hello, my name is Denmark Zilas "rsy" Nøhr

I'm looking for a team for sHgOpen07.
I'm danish of nationality but my english is perfect.
I'm 17 years of age.

I've been playing wolfenstein:ET since it came out, but have been occupied in WoW in larger periods since it came out. My skill in ET haven't disapeared, but I'm not the best of the best at all. I need some practice with the team that I would play for, but then I can offer a well playing medic / engi with alot of teamplay and great comms.

My previous teams were:
Denmark WSF, Denmark Dot, Europe Subsist, Europe sFx reloaded.

To rate myself, I'd say mid skilled (not by the xfire skill scale), meaning I would play in OC div 2 or 3, if I'd play there.

I'm looking for a team with english comms, that is going to sHg to have fun, but ofc also to play seriously. I'm, as mentioned, from Denmark so I will ofc pay for the trip myself.

Contact me in #Kapow! @ Qnet, where I'm idling when I'm on IRC, named rsy`.
If im not online, leave me an email at [email protected] or add my MSN with the same adress.

Thx in advance
nice post, gl.

good 2 see that there are still ppl NOT using the xfireskillscale :]
"I'm danish of nationality but my english is perfect."
"My previous teams was:"

Isn't there a little conflict between those 2 sentences in your text?
haha, oh so very true =)
Thx for noticing, it has been corrected.
there are a few mistakes but we'll let you off.
good luck
please take him he's a really nice guy !

Haha :P

( intern joke )
my keyboard doesn't have that ø

that's why i allways say bösse or störe xD
alt+0230 = æ
alt+0248 = ø
alt+0229 = å

now ur practically a Dane :)
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