eLemenT'Purefrag Map

maybe some of you know the eLemenT'Purefrag Server. after years of running the server some changes were going on.
in 2007 the map purefrag was gonna be relaesed. first time the map got rly mixed opinions. but after some time it was "The Map" for the Purefrag server. ( i remember LNA1vs1 was running for 2 years on it only)

in december 2008 the map "element" was gonna be released. it was not that good as purefrag but find also good feedback in the comunity.

now we try to make a new map for it. and we need the comunity for it.

me make a first alpha version and now we need your feedback for it.

i want to make sure its ONLY a deathmatch map for a fun server!

so, if you feel free to test it you can connect: pw mel

(sorry there is no wwwdl on, but the map file had just arround 900kb)

and also plz write your opinion here:

Purefrag Map

thx cheerz
gl with it
affirmative on the way
excellent place for your super nerd Germany Cokeser
hm, postings with constructive sentiments are prefered!!

ps: i think hes less nerd than you
this is crossfire, you won't find any constructive inputs, face it.

image: 9293d1158444001-strichmaenchen-animationen-aua

and don't call me a nerd, you nerd!
if you mean, god will be with you. or not. nerd
should make a 1on1 map!
i maked a 1on1 map allready
earlier rank 2 at purefrag approves

edit: just remove the ammo/health cabinets ^^
there is no ammo/health cabinet
make tilted walls so you can see if someone is leaning
will try it when i want to pub 45mins same map :p
60 min. ;)

and btw, you play regular on purefrag. didnt you?!
before i played a lot, stoped since i play more irc wars with team and since i have less time.

some days ago i played fulltime purefrag ( 45min no ? :O )

will try new map for sure.
get srsly

i maked

play regular
can you enable sten gun again? used to play there with smg, then sten, then rifle and then finishing with smg again :P
no my ritual is fucked up :D
Well disable map voting first. They keep voting purefrag and skip lna every time.
we are trying to replace lna with this map.
Great job uhum... Was the best map on element, rest is shit. That was the only map I came for.I think i was ranked 3rd tho. Well, see ya!
lna was best map? dont think so, soz
Well it was for me, but thats not the point. I think you remove a great map. Purefrag is overplayed and boring. Element_b4 is doable.
hm, ok. but most pl vote on lna for next map. watch sl mappool... anyway
1st purefrag, 2nd LNA, 3rd element

remove element, its far too easy to rape and there are not enough 1on1 places (you always get shot by >4 people at once)
In my opinion you should keep the server like it used to be - to many changes in it will just make it empty - never change a running system...

- no nades (wtf?)

to your new map:
just tested it, look is kinda boring and not fun to play for long imo, dont like those textures, look all the same :S and it's only flat, no ups and downs, just easy headshotline aiming except of some small stairs...
wer aufgehört hat besser zu werden hat aufgehört gut zu sein :D

ne der server läuft auch noch ohne nades ziemlich nice
you asked for feedback, there it is ;) just my opinion ;)
LNA 1vs1 > the other two maps
Nazi server, nazi admins, nazi maps. Lna1vs1 is the best dm map, by trying to change it you are being a nazi.
brainless ppl are still alive. ok
remove pb or get a less laggy server before you do anything, its impossible to play on even the best maps when you cannot aim due to lag
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