
Hey norwish ,

I go to Oslo for 3 weeks in bakeries of Jean-Louis Monteil in yar i think.

Si , i want to know good place for visit or take a beer :)

Thanks guys
I know some places!
You're going to work at what bakery? in yar? :s

Anyways, prepare yourself for expensive beer, and little to watch! :o)
I heard that Norway is very expensive country :o
Yes it is, and Oslo has the past few years been ranked high on the list among the most expensive cities in the world :O)
if i am correct it is THE most expensive city in the world at this moment..
No copenhagen is the most expensive :-)
it's true really :)
yes i work in bakery yes in yar :)
where, what, who is yar? :s
Nice city excepted 8€ beer.
it's not nice:P
Well, for a foreigner, it's nice and exotic!
Different from the big mess in south of France I know for instance. City looks good, is clean, and it's pleasant to be a cyclist or a walker. Add to this beautiful blond chicks and it's paradise in summer!
agreed with your last statement ;)
My house aint too big, but you could always come visit me for some ET. Henrik Ibsens gate 1 0010 Oslo :)
you also live in the royal castle? :o)
;o in Jar sorry or Skoyen :)
i go visit my family there too. i need to know some nightclubs in oslo too. izi pussy and things like that :D
i went to norway last year. fuckin expensive. i went for a weekend and spent about 250 euros

u read that correctly? SPENT not payed for accom. that isnt included.

but it was fun, just walk around and stuffs

vigeland park is pretty funny i guess. i stood laughing at the statues for a good 10-15 minutes.
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