Need players for Denmark LAN

Hi sexy and less attractive people browsing crossfire,

We are searching for two decent medics and a rifle to complete a 5o5 lineup for the upcoming Denmark LAN.

You should be able to compete against at least med+ teams, this is with tacs and people who use there brains, no random med+ skill.
Our medics should go for teamplay and obj, when the moment is there you go frag, but i guess if you are really med+ you should know that by now.

We supply a ET server and ventrilo server to prac on.

When the date comes we will drive by car from the Netherlands (Eindhoven) to Denmark, so if you live on the way there we can pick you up.

Prac dates not available yet, we make a schedule with the players we will create a lineup with.

Hopefully i informed you enough and we'd love to see some decent applicants,

You can contact me at
na tance gogogo
see you there
cu there and gl
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