
Ok, Since I have to take care of my girlfriend and have to raise a kid I decide to QUIT ET :) also because I have zero motivation.. The reason I make this lill post is to thank everyone that "ever" supported me or played with me, although we might HATE eachother.. I dont care about the flame that's coming I just wish everyone a nice & good future :)

Thanks guys!

cu in 2 weeks
cu in 2 weeks
have a nice time :)
remember what i said ? u would quit ET bcos or ur son :) gl in ur life tho :)
Hope you do better irl than in ET!

gl ;D

+ 2 weeks
cu in 2 weeks.
cu tomorrow
gl & bibuy
call your son harald :)
2 late......:)
GL pikkie:P

in 2 weeks
omg :<

gl in real life :*
ahahahahhaahahhah ;D;D;D:D:D:D

care% = 1.337
good luck spidaa :))) i hope we cu in 2 weeks but try take care of yourself :D
i dont care?

image: gtfo3cr
good luck with the kid >:)
cu sunday
bb hf w/ kid!
gl Martijn & Jennifer !
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