Karma needs 1 or 2 players


As our backups got lost in space we need some active players.
So basicly youll be playing as anyone else in the team as we are always in the need of 1 player at least and we do "rotations".

We play ladders, cups etc.. all what we can.
We play from monday to thursday from 21.30 to.. 00.00
Its a 5on5 team but we also play 3on3.

Med or better.
Mature + friendly (+18)
No cheaters or busted players (yes there are still 5on5 teams with 0 cheaters and ex cheaters)
Spain will be nice as we are all spanish but we can speak some spanglishEngland

We have a life! we dont play weekends and rarely saturdays as we take this as a game, so if you are a decent active player that wants to have some fun.

contact Zuhn at #karma.et
if had i had a good connection, i would play as backup :D:D

ok not med but don't care xDxD

but gl though!
gl chavales.

nice team!
Quotewe dont play weekends and rarely saturdays

wait...saturday isnt part of the weekend?
You dont play during weekends but you do rarely play on saturday?
Hello contradiction.
Rarely=Not often; infrequently
As we dont play normally weekends we rarelly play saturdays, why do I feed the troll
First you say you DONT play, now you "rarely" play...make up your mind.
There's a big difference between not playing and rarely playing.

my god, you are bored eh? no, you win.
gl :) good team!
pillate a markus!!!!!!!!!
Es un empanao, pero si no fuma mucho es el hombre mocha.
Cuando juego 3on3 con el siempre nos humilla a mochas.
A ti te humilla hasta maneante :*
que sepas que maneante tu humilla ati x 3 .... bueno maneante,extatic,limilla,juanjaito,gengis y algun nuub mas que no recuerdo :P
juanjaito no ficho como backup por los Rockit?
ya se que me humilla todo el mundo, pero eso es poque soy un chobo y lo se. Yo no me creo mas de lo que soy.
la verdad es que no habia pensado en markus, es un tio super tranquilo y le da bien pero hace tiempo que no le veo, se q hace unos meses taba muy liado. si hablas con él diselo de mi parte o dime donde puedo contactar con él pls^^
de lunes a jueves aparece casi siempre x el canal de delinquentes.et para jugar un 3. si lo veo el ya se lo digo.
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