ETPRO Demo Decoder Wishlist

So we were thinking about renewing the decoder idea with a few new features. If you guys miss smth or dont like smth, here is your chance to tell me.

yet again, the etpro guys ( reyalP ) were kind enough to share some of their secrets, so i was able to implement the headshot scanner for example...

headshot stats for: 4 >> current spawn: 0 total: 17
headshot stats for: 8 >> current spawn: 0 total: 4
headshot stats for: 2 >> current spawn: 0 total: 16
headshot stats for: 7 >> current spawn: 0 total: 19
headshot stats for: 5 >> current spawn: 0 total: 21
headshot stats for: 0 >> current spawn: 0 total: 16
headshot stats for: 13 >> current spawn: 1 total: 48
headshot stats for: 2 >> current spawn: 0 total: 16
headshot stats for: 6 >> current spawn: 0 total: 31
headshot stats for: 3 >> current spawn: 0 total: 20
headshot stats for: 12 >> current spawn: 0 total: 14
headshot stats for: 2 >> current spawn: 0 total: 16
headshot stats for: 7 >> current spawn: 0 total: 19
headshot stats for: 0 >> current spawn: 0 total: 16
headshot stats for: 2 >> current spawn: 0 total: 16
headshot stats for: 4 >> current spawn: 0 total: 17
headshot stats for: 11 >> current spawn: 3 total: 9
headshot stats for: 13 >> current spawn: 1 total: 49
headshot stats for: 11 >> current spawn: 0 total: 9
headshot stats for: 8 >> current spawn: 0 total: 4
headshot stats for: 9 >> current spawn: 1 total: 8
headshot stats for: 11 >> current spawn: 0 total: 9
headshot stats for: 0 >> current spawn: 0 total: 16
headshot stats for: 3 >> current spawn: 0 total: 20
3headshot scanner? HELL YES

Teamkill scanner?
why u ignore meh :<
Need teamkillz
Damage Counter, Kill Counter
no need for stuff that is already there
not in media manager 3...
so... btw.. are u still working at that?
You should share the headshot retrieval secret! :D
nobody will do it unless he gets payed (it's crazy work, if you don't do it for fun, you will quit it) [like chaplja and foxdie]
Making an anti cheat is more or less fine, you could find guys doing that for free. (some coders who felt in love with this wonderfull community, trying to do something back).

Updating the anti-cheat is another question, who would be willing to spend an hour/day on updating the db, well not me! :D
i could do it, but i don't have any programming knowledge :<

EB get payed ~20,000$ a year for doing the anti-cheat for ET (what a joke :D)
In my eyes an anti-cheat is abit pointless anyways :p whenever there is an anti-cheat, there surely is a cheat who bypasses it. It would only hold older cheats.

PS: You don't need any programming skills to add leaked cheats to a database and let them match ;) Thats what PB used to do a few years ago, yes, even PB improved (a bit) ;)

Edit: Are you really serious about that amount of money pb gets payed? :D
but EB are doing specific detections with strings matching cheats right? the coder only needs to change the sctring and its undetected again, PB only improved when foxdie and co helped them, gamehook kicks :P
PB improved a little bit the last year, so its abit more complicated then changing a string or filesize :p

Somehow I don't get these guys, they stopped cgame scans for a few months now, even a simple byteflipping hack can be undetected...

Edit: they stopped gamehook kicks? They still detect detouring methods imo ;)
there actually is one quite strict way, the downside is, that this would certainly have false positives... (wont elaborate on it tho)

but you are right, in general, hacks wont stop unless injecting can be restricted, what will never happen :<
Well, I have some ideas for anticheats too. But I highly doubt I could make them reality. And whenever I get a protection idea, I more or less find the idea to bypass it anyways..

ETPro did one of the best efforts, somebody who is able to get into etmain and detour the internal structure will probably fail at doing the same in ETPro (integrity failure).
And the hidden head retrieval is another good thing.. What if those ideas get integrated a little further?

Feel free sharing your "one strict way".
:o did you just rename?!? i was searching for your reply.

well no, i wont go into details with that, i did not think the whole thing completly through, yet ppl involved seem to agree that it might get too many false positives...

but ill keep investigating the whole idea
Yeh, I finally found the "edit nickname" link.

Well whenever you need some feedback on your anti-cheat idea, you know where to find me. People should think a little further, encrypting data won't make a diffirence. Checksums won't block cheats and general cgame scans can be bypassed. But mixing up every single idea could result in something harder for coders to bypass ;)

Take a look at the first attempts on etpro, when people realised the headpos was diffirent then etmain.

Or finding an idea to block the core (injection), not that thats going to happen. (as you said before)
nice, I think I asked for this once in a newspost you made.. gj =)
omg you got your wish
ever wanted to scan for 3headshot kills? I think with this it might be possible to search for x headshots in x seconds
I'm just a guy who likes to know alot. And as proven in history, knowledge = power. I'm not on the good side, but I ain't on the bad side either ;)

And about the anti-cheat, thats not gonna happen. It is more or less pointless. People could add hacks do a database and certain checksums result in a detection. But what about private cheats? Hidding data inside and high encryption could be the best way for an anticheat and that is what antipro did. Too bad antipro was bypassed a few hours after the alpha release (testing server).

PS: Do you really think an anti-cheat builder doesn't know how to hack or bypass? ;p Compaire it with Virusprotection company's. Somebody who is able to write a virus, is able to protect himself from that virus.
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