Availabel for EMS (maybe EC/OC)

i am available for upComing ESL EMS .. and maybe also for eC/Oc

so yeah.. all the infos you need are here!

a snippet of the othe thread:

i am able to play as a:

fast medic
average fop
decent covop
smart smg engi
no soldiershit at all!

you should be a team playing on a more higher level (no OC second <> last league)
you should be NO 2WEEKS team or a newly formed team
you should not be talking about your schmoose in vent
you should have a sense for humor
you should be friendly and cool :)

you can reach me in my channel named


image: kura_chiq

isn't she gorgious? ..
nice pic :D gl ;)

UltimaRatio is searching for a decent CovOps for the Alpen EPS

pm Limbonic in #velerion
moar fotoshop
u mean gorgeous?
gl qraigu
gl digga
with this pic youll find a team for sure.
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