No KRP anymore :(

KRP is dead because of super EC players making new teams (Olbaa, matias, ensam, sample, kapaa etc)

So I dont have playmates anymore because I'm too low for EC-winner team :(


I Can play OC :P So I need a team or w/e you dont even need to be in OC I just want to play when I'm @ home :P 4fun pracs and smaller cups or w/e are fine by me :P

Multiclasser (I have played 6 years so every class/place/map are easy to handle for me)
Sunday and monday 100% avi other days (tuesday, wednesday, thursday. Weekend life time! LOL WHAT LIFE? :D) 75% avi if I'm @ home enough early
Can play till 23CET almost everyday when I'm able to play :P (Depends how tired I am ofc)

Just be nice and dont call me nerd even I agree that I'm fat nerd :(
Lets roll :P

tazOR @ Qnet
gl nice guy!
wasnt kapaa in VAE?
Yea but vae is EC team too right?

If they get through the qualifiers
gl, really nice guy and good ownager :P
rly skilled and nice :p
R.I.P KRP :-(

nerd got rolled

I Can play OC

Good luck!
playing on sunday, nerd =D!
geelii tatu m8
Just be nice and dont call me nerd even I agree that I'm fat nerd :(

xD gl =D
i cannot believe
taz old m8 let's make a new krps
definately player worth EC, he also is 101% lannable (for boozze & women)
So i can turn the S off!
omgomg good luck, awesome player :*
omg omg tAz gl <3
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