Yo fellas, i got suspended at clanbase because of this post


Something must have gone wrong because this supsension is completely NON REASONABLE and it doesn't make any sense. I looked at the suspension reason and I rofled since there is nothing that connects me with this guy "snoox".
Since I had the time to search him out, I found this guy on pbbans and I got his IP from the multiple bans that he has.
You can check his IP as following - and .
After a quck IP check which can be done here http://www.ipchecking.com/ or here http://whatismyipaddress.com/
You can clearly see that there is no connection between me and this guy ( MY IP IS: .
Clearly you can see the following differences - host,name,provider,location and everything else which makes the fact obvious (unless you are an idiot) that there's nothing between me and this guy . The only common thing is that we are from a same country but I don't consider myself as the only 1 playing ET from Bulgaria.
Once again, completely non-reasonable ban without any reason or whatever you want to call it.
EDIT : Also the the guids checksum shows enough too.
Different etpro guid and the PB guid , mine shows for how long I'm playing the game clean ------> image: shot0001xu.th, which makes really funny the fact that this guy "snoox" could possibly be considered as me , if looking the bans period and for how long I've been playing this game. Try to make up a "good" answer about that too.
Details of the pbbans of snoox by matching his IP :


<+xhiZo> !guid b02f88d9
<@PBBansBot> GUID ac695b390ae5c967478a1ddeb02f88d9 was banned on Nov 17, 2008 - 11:22:10 am by =DoE= on server
<@PBBansBot> Alias : mAus BanID: 99004
<@PBBansBot> Violation : VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) 70682
<@PBBansBot> Game : Enemy Territory
<@PBBansBot> GUID : ac695b390ae5c967478a1ddeb02f88d9 IP:
<@PBBansBot> Link : http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b02f88d9-vb99004.html

and this:


<+xhiZo> !guid 769e1951
<@PBBansBot> GUID 24d4c468fe9b2561fdedc940769e1951 was banned on Dec 10, 2008 - 11:29:24 am by [CYBERGAMES] on server
<@PBBansBot> Alias : lolor BanID: 102265
<@PBBansBot> Violation : VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) 70682
<@PBBansBot> Game : Enemy Territory
<@PBBansBot> GUID : 24d4c468fe9b2561fdedc940769e1951 IP:
<@PBBansBot> Link : http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-769e1951-vb102265.html

The SO CALLED "IP match conversation logs"

<[CB]Killerboy> Compare two players IP's
<[CB]Killerboy> Click to view details Comparing IP's...
<[CB]Killerboy> HID 1:
<[CB]Killerboy> HID 2:
<[CB]Killerboy> Last seen data IP Data
<[CB]Killerboy> France rAse Bulgaria snoox IP IP2LOC
<[CB]Killerboy> 20-08-2009 18:53 20-08-2009 18:51 Bulgaria
<[CB]Killerboy> got an ip match on the same date and time

Tbh this is biggest bullshit I have ever seen!

I want actions to be taken, Admins do your job and remove the suspension on my CB account.

Or if you think different...Give a real Evidence.
Otherwise I will take it as personal abuse on me.


P.S Excuse me for the English ---> fast written
ahahha ,
"Gold ESL 3on3 Ladder reload.gaming
Gold Some Random Cups"

As if the first one wouldn't be random ;~)
2long2read. case closed.
enjoy ur ban
I believe you m8.
+1 for killerboy :)
Take it personal
he is haxor believe me :D
Like changing your ip is impossible..



IP address country: Bulgaria
IP address state: Grad Sofiya
IP address city: Sofia
IP address latitude: 42.6833
IP address longitude: 23.3167

ISP of this IP [?]: Bulgarian Telecommunications Company Plc.
Organization: BTC Broadband Service
Host of this IP: [?]: 77-85-24-103.btc-net.bg [Whois] [Trace]


IP address country: Bulgaria
IP address state: Grad Sofiya
IP address city: Sofia
IP address latitude: 42.6833
IP address longitude: 23.3167

ISP of this IP [?]: Bulgarian Telecommunications Company Plc.
Organization: BTC Broadband Service
Host of this IP: [?]: 90-154-134-48.btc-net.bg

its geo location of Sofia's city i suppose :) not his house :D
location of the internet cabin in his area i guess
try your own ip, its prolly near your house
HAha, nice geographic skills, but it's the geo location of the city. Think you should get an E in high school. Oh soz, you haven't been there yet. There is nothing like this "evidence" guy IP or location.
stfu nerd, it shows the internet cabin in your area, you are connected to it and that cabin is connected to your provider.

The way you react already shows are cheating
bb gtfo
Yeah right, new way of "busting" should be followed from your model. GTFO/
hahaha someone agitated

take it like a man or die nerdy!
Put your brain on the task and read what I've written and I'm sure you can have a though over it like a human with a brain. KK
ja is goed
Good or bad , it's true.
hmm i know him :D proof enough ? he was DoE.hAte 1 or 2 years ago then snoox in prototype and now he is rAse i have him in xfire or he deleted me but when u watch logs of xfire dunno if they have some u can see first he was snoox connect from bulgaria then he changed name to rAse so easy :D proxy server or anonymservers ftw
logs or never happened
more imagination and less real facts pls!
lol i was in DoE aswell and i dont remember that he was hakin :O?
Can't remember u scrimming with us, but afaik he hacked quite obvious on pubs, couple of months later after leaving DoE.
i was often with ALFA i think donno.. was long time ago :< , but anyway im suprised /=
he joined with vAlti and he was hAte like some months ago hukk comin :)
sure and that's snoox's pb guid from 3 years back, get brain idiot.
kk now u piss me off -.- really :D

can u plz explain this screenshoot of ur xfire profile -.- image: 826312703


looks fine at the first look but why u idiot call ur records windows wh?
MY XFIRE? LOOOOOOOOOL!!!! My xfire is rase1337 , you nerd , as I said make up your imagination more KID.
its or old screenshot obv that the other rase play with same guys like u xD such a fail changing xfire and dont remove old screenies of other xfire profile -.-
such a fail that it doesn't make sense, try something better.
oh god, if there is so many evidence against you.. why do you even deny the facts.. e-humiliation to the bone, lmao
no, these are not evidences and no facts, there are only "trying" to make them look like evidences and facts. That's what it is. There is no real evidence. If it was a fact I wouldn't argue just like that.
Let me give you one tip: you can't hide your identy over the internet, in real-life you can, but I guess you just watched too many movies. Case closed.
Yeah, I know but I'm not hiding anything, I'm showing everything as it is, because it's really funny to mess up with clean players.
yeah that guy fake ur name fake ur guid and have same voice on vent or ts and dont talk with ur m8s cause they can bust him hmmmm
1 - the guids are not the same xDDDDD
2 - ive never spoken with you
3 - no similarities between me and this guy
4 - you are very stupid
5 - bb
1 - Guids are easy to spoof as stealing candy from a kid, same goes for IP.
2 - Yes you did, plenty of times.
3 - You are exactly the same, proof has been given.
4 - You don't seem to be able to deny properly with arguments.
5 - Yes, bb.
1 - seems you know good how to do it, but I wonder how can you spoof a PB GUID
2 - no I really don't remember speaking to a complete moron xD
3 - no proof, just making up things
4 - the arguments are solid stable
5 - gtfo last time you are making yourself stupid
haha remove that screenshot from profile -.- nab
+1 maybe check the last login naab
i smtn like that ;o
Irc log stealer ":D"
Killerboy caught more than enough real cheaters.
but he probably failed banning this guy
Was refering to punkiis comment, not the topic ;~)
hAte, I know you're botting.. and come on.. you were captain obvious time to time..

greetz from another old DoE member.
you're cheating :<
good proof of cheating , keep it up!
what's with the bulgarian proxy :0
there is no proxy man, that's fucking bullshit and a personal abuse without any real evidence or anything with that "cheating" like they are calling it.
write it in bulgarian, you nerd!
bad connected then :)
at least, not as good as mine :P
nikoi niama da razbere + tva niama kirilica :D
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