blub avi

Hello CF,

Netherlands Fish

Well I'm in need of a clan, I can compete with med/+ easily and can either be a dmg whore or a teamplayer. I mostly play medic smg, eng smg or cov ops when needed.
Got lots of experience based on scrims, tho I don't really have that much of a clanhistory.
I basically played in the same clan all my carreer with some two week projects here and there.
I'd like to play in a 5on5 team and it's a pre to play in OC.

I would like to join in a stable team, I don't prefer new projects but we can always talk.

Well if you want to test me, pm me here, pm me @ irc Fish_ or add me on xfire: xtremefish

Netherlands lisa/blub? omg
no, but a fish does blub, so that's why it's called blub avi.
okay...just remember my old m8 from nl was named blub , no fish relation ;ppp
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