serious business is serious

imo we should put bremen_b3 in CB 5v5 ladder and take et_ice out!

imo they should upload bremen_b3 to the gamestv servers
helps a lot, if it's gonna be played by CB/ESL or so it will be done prolly
It's already being played in evu.cup and none of the servers have B3 on it ://
I'm just mentioning
yes but evu cup isn't quite..official as in CB/ESL...
I'm just saying they need to update the serversssssssssssssssssssssssss
well some are now^^
bremen sucks i have spoken
Maps chosen

* Radar 104
* Adlernest 79
* Bremen_b3 60
* Delivery 52
i dont care, bremen sucks i have spoken

bremen is sooo much btter
heil mArk

sowieso gelijk baas

Nog een uurtje eco en dan kom ik eraan hoor!!
oki darling
leave ice alone newskool hater!! :D
b3 version is pretty bugged...
both should be in
b3 has some bugs (shooting through walls, and a texture bug) so tbh im waiting for b4
then, just let remain bremen_b2. et_ice is simply a bad map for serious competition, nobody plays this.
we have to wait for a bremen_final and then
et_ice is the most hated map in history of ET and still being discussed and included nowadays.
Playing cb ladder for 2 years and only played that map once.
Bremen is more than a welcome alternative, no matter b2,b3 or final.

How many times is ice actually played on ladder?

Don't get the flame about bremen in 5on5 when is much more playable even in its beta2 than et_ice.
Why was bremen decided to be modified for 5on5 when theres no need and we have radar totally ruined by this format and no one said nothing about adapting it to 5on5.

If you want to adapt a decent RTCW map take et_beach which was the most played & liked and just change the mapscript from 35 secs to 30 in axis and you will have a great competition map, at least better than delivery and et_ice.
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