help meh plz=]

when i start et and i connect to server i do vid _ restart then it looks like et turns my keybord and mouse off i cant click anywere only my windows button works lol :/

help plz^^

rofl :D must be a lol problem forya
not rlyxD else i have to play with the worse cfg ever:x
Hey [-=N.U.=-]tootz!
^^ thats me sir jr. tootz:p sir jr. fusion;)
in_mouse 1
check je cfg...
exec "pollo ; wait 10; exec autoexec" !@!!|!!1
undind all
put unbind all in the first line of ur config
i did:) but it still has the prob..ill try reinstall
use 400 dpi
format, maybe it helps you..
doe alles op het begin nog alles normaalzetten bij control als je in server ben ff je config openen
ask perfo
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