alvi needs 3rd for Premier!

Since our 3rd is not able to play with us in Open Cup 3o3 Premier League 2010, we are in need of 3rd right now!

You must be skilled, known and funny. We will not play often.
If you are interested in being tested or so, don't hestitate to pm me @ crossfire or

Regards and Happy Easter!

image: weird_crustacean

image: HappyEaster
Premier? best april joke ever...
4th time in OC Premier with alvi :D
something someone must really be proud of
thats even bigger joke
The one and only joke here is you - hitsu.
pozdrow kolezanke ze slawnego zdjecia z Toba
a Ty SareGer.jpg

i umyj cycki
Wez spierdalaj ode mnie. Ja jebie, co za kurwa idiota -_-
i iz semi skilled, totally unknown and from time to time i iz able to do some funny joke or comment. atm i iz playing often but normally its not that often. since i iz a shy guy i hesitate to pm u, since i already got a team to play 3n3 with. sorry !

gl though :D
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