win 7 mouseaccel

how to turn off mouse acceleration in windows 7 ??
there's a slider in control panel somewhere
Control panel -> Mouse -> Third (?) tab -> turn off enhanced pointer precision

that's it. There's no "accelbug" as in XP. Tested in ET and Quake Live by placing mouse on the edge of mousepad, quickly speeding it some way towards the other edge, then slowly bringing it back to the edge. Crosshair returned to the same location it used to be in.
Feels like I still have acceleration here.. Tried various "fixes" which doesn't really fix :/
Placebo, or could be your mouse too. You can try using rinput, if you want to - it guarantees no software acceleration.

The mouse fixes (for instance MarkC's mouse fix which seems to be the most commonly used one on Windows 7) are not needed for ET or any other Quake3 engine game for that matter, nor for ~any game released after them. These games are not affected by the bug it fixes. Half-life 1 engine games, on the other hand, mostly are, but I think even CS1.6 has patched in direct/raw input nowadays after the engine update a couple of years back.

In other words: The mouse fixes are completely unnecessary for at least 7 and possibly Vista and XP (can't say for sure, because I haven't tested it on those two) when ET and most other games are concerned, and anyone telling you otherwise is an idiot.
Is it possible I can see any acceleration when I test it as you did, outside a game?
The MarkC archive contains a program called MouseMovementRecorder which allows you to see if there's any software-induced acceleration going on. For me it's all correct on ET, and additionally I can't notice any acceleration by playing.
Allright, thanks.
And what about the polling rate of 500hz, is it possible to get it worked for the MX518 on Windows 7 x64?
Tried it few months back and it fucked up my mouse.. Used to work on x32, but not on x64, am I doing anything wrong or is it just impossible?
I couldn't tell you, really. I'm sure there are some tutorials here that could answer that.
Damn.. They all say "Windows 7", but it doesn't seem to work for x64 :/
Oh well, thanks for your help anyway, appreciated ;)
Whats that btw? :o
thanks everyone for help

mouse accel disabled :)
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