Need 3rd for OC :o)))

We're in need of 3rd player to play in zeh 3v3 OC

- Lineup inculdes Slovenia verunA & I
- Second division (:'(((() - so we're aiming for :)
- Skilled, somehow active.
- Got zeh basic stuff you need (I've a bouncer to give ya!)

You should be somehow known at least to us, skilled, and motivated.

The reason we're searching for a new guy is since the others aren't active and never show up, so you should be!

For more details: #noNpoint - Leave a message to me or to the slo faggot

p.s. - our first match is on Tue, so please hurry
Do not push my topic down! Plz.
Would've pm you if you were looking for 3v3!
Well I could try 3o3, but I am not in the best shape to play 3o3ies! I can be your backupboi!
pme on irc for more details :)
gl but gold is urs :D
And I'm Nelson Mandela

glad to meet u :p
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