tomss1k is searching

Ahoi !

Since my previous team Polandankh went inactive, I'm in need of a team. I played mainly for ankh, tabloid-junkies. I would like to play in OC with nice people, without ego etc. I can play as a medic. I never cheated, clean as your tears, lold.
I'm avi three times per week at ~20-23 CET.
If you want to know what my skill is, just test me.

Thanks for wasting your time to read this shit, if you want to know more about me, feel free to contact me @ or pmme here :)

Have a nice night, eloszka !
gl kurwa
play with yuppie again

hes a good player:)

deserve to play in oc second division at least ;]
gl mate =]
Good luck korni <3

deserver to play in oc premier!
gl m8!
gl, nice player

ktory to juz raz...
[pl]rozpad? na jednej rece nie policzysz xd[/pl]
kozak ;D
GL Korn1 !
low+ max xd
gl man!
Very nice player, gl!
gl tomek !
dzieki wielkie Marcin za wszystko, rowniez za ta taktyczna rozgrywke dzisiejszego wieczoru
Good player,gl!
kocham cie
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