Regnum need smg !!

After our mate mIs Poland was cheating we are in need of one medic.

medic :

- med skilled
- got time for pracc ( mon,wen,thur,fri and sun from 8 pm CET )
- mature
- stable
- clean
- pref pl guy, but can be other


- med skilled
- multigaming
- got game and voice server
- mature
- playing cups, ladders etc.

- rondel Poland
- keystone Poland
- sub Poland
- Hellblack Portugal

contact us !! xfire : vojagersleeper or mIRC #regnum-gaming /q Rondelos lub rondelek666
mis is 100% clean

oh wait
med suuuuRRRRRe
widze caly exert pokazuje jaka ma klase, to chyba dzieki dizlowi i jego kobiecym glosie...
lol like u hadnt already noticed it before if he was being this obvious.. seems to me like u could all be cheating....
It was surprise for all your members for sure, right? :D

<One down, few left>
<Roger that>
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