ORDER Kiwi in need

Of a stable backup for OC.

We're a bunch of friendly guys that happens to find it hard to prac sometimes when Sweden Knas gotta leave.
Hence, we need another no-lifer that can take his place when his father is about to give him a beating.

What we expect from you
  • Obey Sweden Zymon.
  • Be able to stand up against your parents if you are under 18.( SwedenKnas is an exception cause he is so cool <3)
  • Not in need of any "beauty sleep". We'll love you even if you look and feel like shit the morning after.
  • Consider yourself somewhat skilled, like low+/med- at least. I'm low but I'm the (C) of the team which makes me essential anyway.
  • Don't be a stranger towards making contact, we like people that are social and speaks up.
  • You play ET Monday, Wednesday and Sunday evenings
  • Be mature, even though we might be a bit crazy we can still get serious when it's needed, we expect that from you as well.
  • Don't bother contact me if you've been caught cheating, some cvar ban you got from execing some random config might be ok
  • You handle the Medic class well, reviving and giving damage.

Sweden Zymon (C)
Sweden Cupcake
Sweden Sealpup
Sweden Knas
Scotland Hard

It's a plus if you know me as well.

#ORDER-gaming speak with Zymon
Xfire: theflakkman
image: orderkiwionlysmall
Gl cupcake!
gl mates ;)
GL kiwi!
gl lads...friendly bunch =] <3

PakistanCupcaKe <33333
nice Germanykiwi fanbois.
Yeah, you are there as well m8 :)
I know I can contact you as well :)
GL Cupcake :)
lol man plz re write this topic and leave me out of it lolz
Retas lite bara, ta det inte seriöst :)
Men jag tar bort det om du vill.
det är luuugnt, btw kom in på xfire. kom på en schysst tag igår
:)<3 aight
take canadians :D?
The problem with you guys is that you live in a weird timezone ;)
But sure, if it could work
United Kingdom nismo?
noo they hatin' the United Kingdom 'smo :<
No they don't :< <3..
:D <3 i wasn't referring to you babeh :D
Good luck boys <3333

cupcake is hawt
cupcake ooooooo
gl zymon and cupcake <3
gl Zymon gl Cupcakce gl Hard
Just don't get it,how a scot managed to get lost in the Swedish players?
kidnapped :(
need a hand,can destroy the entire Swedish country with my bare hands if I have to.How else I am supposed to compentent against you Ronnie?
I'm going to start visiting the gym tomorrow again! So I'll be waiting for ya ;D
There will be no merci,I warned you!
GL Order :)))
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