riffle v.2

After i was cross with my team regnum multigaming, i am looking for team ( pref Poland, can be Europe).

about me:

  • Riffle
  • med- ( can handle to med/+ in near future )
  • speak United Kingdom,Poland and little Germany
  • avi 4,5 times per week from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. ( longer on friday and saturday )
  • got own team speak 3 server ( however ts3 sucks )
  • mature and stable
  • want to play open/summer,herbst,spring and winter cups, ladders, leagues ! and all stuff

you ?
enogh to play with you, play cups, ladder etc...
got many pracces days !

contact me : #regnum-gaming /q b0mba , xfire : vojagersleeper or pm me here @ CF !
there is no riffle in et sorry
med- ( can handle to med/+ in near future )

because your polish, i smell like your about to buy cheats.
10:30 pm ahahah.
dude, rifle is written with 1 F only ;)

we know but he's riffle u understand ?: O!
( can handle to high/+ in near future )
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