New official channel

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Ever got tired of searching officials all day long on random channels?
There is only one solution to this terrible annoying problem.
An channel.
This channel is strictly made for finding official clanwars of all formats (1on1/3on3/5on5/6on6).
This idea is brought to you by

If this thing turns out great we will make a cup aswell. (6on6)
But let's first see what the future brings.
already tried before didnt work
Maar... jij hebt ni genoeg doorzettingsvermoge :<
ik had het niet geprobeert, maar zat wel te idle
just come :) itl work out :p
Hope for you it will works
you r that hacker guy?
indeed... half of that clan haxxxxx
Wow! Nobody thought of this ever before!
stupid idea
You guys shud shut up rather than trying to rain on this guys parade, he isnt doing any harm
good idea gl !
The idea will work if people actually idle the channel and not be like -> OMG NICE AMOUNT OF IDLERS and part. after the channel is open for 5minutes..
gl worth a go :)
im idling :)
37 idlarz so far! :) support us :)
I think it will work , but.. not 100 % sure
already there "guesswho" it is :o

but he has no rights to the chan.
Currently Users at 67

good idea visual , hope itl work out
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