yeAh need team

Hello CF i'm searching clan med-/med no 2 weeks

i'm 16 years
speak french,english,deutsch
play medic/FO/rifle med-/med
/q me or heddy69 xfire
adawolfa is good forum

i visit there every day
Don't stop make it pop

Dj blow my speakers up

Tonight i'mma fight

'til we see the sunlight

Tick tock on the clock

But the party don't stop no
wtf kinda of a name is yeAh
well , yeah includes an A so he is able to do yeAh instead of yeah
yea but yeah is like the most mongolianiest name ihave ever read
cool sounds retarded or woah , sorry woAh
heddy69 ;))))))

gl ;)
hell yeah med skilled
low+ -> med+ -> med-
not gl kiddy
good lucK yeahh!
XD Il cheat a donf mais np.
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